One *thing* that blocks ALL your relationship(s)

Do you want to know what blocks all your relationships?

It’s one word: *lack*.

A lack of time, money, love and energy.

It’s everywhere.

This inner sense of lack is reinforced by social media (other people seem to have better bodies, better relationships, better holidays) and advertising (which is essentially driven by the idea that you’re incomplete without that thing, whatever it may be). In other words, anything that feels beyond your reach and creates a sense of missing out feeds this lack.

As a result, lack creates a kind of emptiness on the inside, a void that you keep trying to fill up with more, more, more… (whatever your thing is – clothes, food, sex, screen time, friends, knowledge, money).

The thing is if you don’t feel enough on the inside, you’ll keep projecting that ‘lack’ into your external reality.

You then spend all your energy on acquiring money or whatever else that you think would make you feel happy.

P.S. If you’re tired of running this pattern, join my 3-hour masterclass on ‘Already Enough’, where you’ll have an opportunity to heal your relationship with the part of you that does not feel good enough. If you sign up by 2 May 2022, you’ll receive access to ‘From Scarcity Mentality to Safety Mindset’ 30 day live experience for free.

P.P.S. I’m also running a FREE 5-day challenge on 9-13 June called ‘Good Enough’. Join me live to understand why you react in particular ways, when you’re in lack. I'd love it if you could share the link with your friends.

With all my love



Why feeling not enough is so harmful


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