Show me the money…
Ask yourself: what’s precious to me in this life? Do I want to live it more fully, awake and present to myself and my loved ones? Do I want to serve others wholeheartedly? If the answer to these questions is yes, then keep reading.
I have people who say sometimes I’d love to do x, y or z with you but my husband’s job is changing / budget is tight etc, so I can’t do it now.
I get it. I was taught as a child that I must live within my means and I had never digressed from that rule. I never encourage people to go in debt to do the inner work.
Having said that sometimes I notice that people who say they don’t have the means, go on a nice holiday/ attend a concert/ buy expensive clothes, etc.
So perhaps this is not always about a lack of money.
Often it’s a matter of priorities.
You can always find money for something that's super important for you. Yes, it might be tough, but when you value something, you make it your priority.
Imagine prioritising your mental health and wellbeing for 4 months. Imagine putting all your attention on shifting everything that holds you back in life. Imagine showing up for yourself consistently between April and July 2024, so that you can make quantum shifts in the second half of the year.
I’ll be honest: this is not for everyone. This is deep and profound work that will change your life.
In my experience, fear of change is exactly what holds people back. They say they want change but they don’t do what it takes because it's too scary.
Money can become an easy way out. Because, let's face facts, for many people there isn't a neat stash of cash with the name of the course that you wanted to do for ages.
It’s good to be honest with yourself. The next time you think it’s finances, say I’m not ready yet. It's not wrong; it's just how it is sometimes. You heal when you're ready. But don't tell yourself that it's about money.
Healing is a matter of choice. It’s to do with what you give value to. What do you prioritise in life?
If you’re ready for big bold shifts in your life, join my 4-month immersion.
Here are all details:
And if the immersion feels like a big jump, you're welcome to join individual events as you go along:
1. The next masterclass is on Healing Your Conception Story and Early Attachment on 21 April 4:30-7:30pm UK time
Live 3-hour healing experience to help you heal the imprints from your conception onwards, to let go of any unconscious rejection and lack, so that you can feel welcome and worthy in your life. This is open to men and women – after all, we all have emerged from a woman’s body.
2. The Embodied Presence in Motion series start on 18 April at 1:30-3:00pm UK time. Join us live here to strengthen your ability to be present in any situation
With all my love