Hi, I’m Gulara

I am a Relationship and Trauma Healing Coach. I support healers and therapists like you in unlocking your power as a healer, releasing your money blocks, and feeling good enough to speak up and market your services.

Are you ready to stop feeling stuck and playing small?

I can help you to heal the root of any trauma that holds you back, so that you can move towards your dream of serving your clients at the highest level, while living an abundant and fulfilling life.

Want to attract a consistent flow of paying clients?

Let me help you

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Hi, I’m Gulara,

your Relationship & Trauma healing coach.

My approach to healing is based on three pillars: healing the root of trauma, integrating the inner split caused by trauma, and becoming more embodied and present.

Using a unique blend of cutting-edge energy healing methods, I support healers and therapists like you to step into your power, consolidate your healing gifts, and acquire skills that would enable you to do the same for others. I teach these skills as a part of my intergenerational trauma healing method practitioner training online.

I’m a certified Compassion Key, Non-Personal Awareness, Family Constellations, and Identity-oriented Psychotrauma Therapy practitioner, Soul Motion Dance Teacher, Spiritual Acceleration, EFT Levels 1 & 2 facilitator, and Reiki Master.

I’m the author of two internationally best-selling memoirs: Hammer, Sickle & Broom, and Fragile Freedom.

Low-cost offerings

  • Heal scarcity mentality around energy, love, money and time,

  • Heal suppressed emotions, such as addictions, anger and shame at the ancestral level

  • Experience deep and profound healing at the ancestral and cellular levels

Upcoming events