Did She See You?
Up until the age 2, energetically you are one with your mother. As your ‘I’ starts forming in life, your mother is your primary mirror. If you feel seen and heard by your mum, you can form a healthy sense of yourself. If you felt constantly shushed, ignored, neglected, your sense of your ‘self’ starts gradually eroding. If she can’t see you, it’s hard to do it for yourself.
So with time you learn that your mother responds when ‘you’re a good girl’. You do what she wants. You comfort her, and possibly mother her. There’s no space for your feelings. You learn to push them down. You get the message that your angry, sad and upset parts are not welcome and likely to create conflict and rejection. As a result, you reject those parts of yourself, creating a deep split and fragmentation in your psyche.
The effect of this fragmentation is that there are parts of you that can be shown to the world and parts which are deeply hidden, rejected and orphaned (by you and others). Until those parts can come home to you and feel integrated, it’s hard to feel whole.
This is exactly why I'm offering my 3-hour masterclass ‘Who Am I?’ on 6 November. Join me to heal this fragmentation. Otherwise, moving forward can feel like an agony: it's a constant pull-push, where your inner conflict, doubt and hesitation drain your energy. Come into the wholeness of who you are. Here’s the link: www.gularavincent.co.uk/i-am