Life Is Not A Stage (and you’re neither an actor nor the audience)

Have you ever asked yourself: Who Am I?

Not the roles you play in life, not the identity you have created to survive, but the wholeness of you as a human being with all the messy and wonderful parts.

We all have roles: daughter, mother, sister, your job title, etc. etc. etc.

Those roles do not define you.

They all can change, but somehow, they shape you into a version of you that you present to the world.

Who you are is so much more that those roles. Sometimes, you can twist yourself out of shape to fit in with other people’s ideas and expectations of who you should be to the point that you forget your own true essence.

You are a mystery.

But to open to that mystery, you need to be willing to let go of beliefs and identifications that kept you functional in this world. Those old beliefs keep you in a survival mode and stop you from becoming who you were always meant to be.

P.S. If something in you is longing to reconnect with your authentic self, then join my 3-hour masterclass ‘Who Am I?’ on 6 November. Here’s the link:


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