This is what happens when you heal your money blocks

I love helping people to heal their money blocks. Do you know why?

Because it’s often, if not always, have nothing to do with money and everything to do with love (this is why I address love and money blocks in one programme).

What impacts your relationship with money is complex and multifaceted. It includes your upbringing, family situation, ancestral stories, fear of responsibility, belief systems, such as, money comes only through hard work, religion and so much more.

In my experience, money can become such a useful lens to view and heal so many of your past hurts.

What’s satisfying about addressing money blocks is that you can feel the tangible effects of that healing: the more you release those old wounds, the more money can flow to you with ease and joy.

Money is not bad or good. It’s just energy.

When you release the charge around money (which is often fueled by your past disappointment or sense of failure), your relationship with money can become neutral.

Here’s what happens when you release your money blocks:
- You stop draining your energy on weighing pros and cons of every financial decision;
- You don’t live in constant fear and panic; your nervous system can finally relax;
- You learn to trust yourself, other people and life itself;
- You create greater ease in your life and find the peace of mind;
- You feel worthy of love and good things in life.

Join my 5-week course to address the deepest darkest roots of your money blocks. No matter what your financial situation is right now, it’s a symptom of something that goes way back, something that your conscious mind won’t even remember or put two together.

Because when you think of your financial challenges or broken relationships, you don’t necessarily think about your time in your mother’s womb, your ancestral stories of hardship and lack or your parents’ attitude to each other.

I guarantee you that addressing these blocks at that foundational level Will. Change. Your. Life.

Don’t waste your time on dealing with the symptoms of your money blocks. Heal the roots. Once and for all. For your own benefit and the benefit of your children and your ancestors.

Join me live. You won’t regret it.

Here's the link with all the details:

Here's what one of my clients said recently about healing her money blocks:

Gulara, I’ve been wanting to share this for a while and yet every time I started to, I felt like I couldn’t yet find the words to speak about the experience of our 1:1 session together. To say it was deeply healing feels like an understatement. I had wanted to work on issues around abundance as I was in a state of deep financial stress at the time. As you guided me through the process of tuning in, we uncovered a deep wounding that, although seemed unrelated to money, ended up being a catalyst for some amazing change in my life.
I’ve done a lot of money clearing in the past (a lot of it related to relationships with partners, etc.), but it never created the deep internal shift that I experienced after working with you. After our session, I was finally able to relax about my money situation to the point where I could see possibilities again and I was able to start taking action without it feeling so heavy and exhausting.
Fast forward 4 weeks after our session; I was able to take on a contract that 6 months earlier would have felt so overwhelming and heavy. I was sort of amazed to discover that I could negotiate without all the previous energetic and emotional attachments to the outcome.
I was able to clearly state my expectations and needs without feeling the storm of emotions that used to accompany those situations… and the result has been that people on the receiving end are getting clear information without all the anxious, frustrated, fearful energy getting in the way. Situations that used to feel paralyzing, feel light an easy now… conversations around money are no longer feeling like “life and death” in my body. People actually want to pay me now and work offers are flowing in again. My sense of worth is something I’m feeling in my whole body and that can’t be faked. People feel that and they’re responding in beautiful ways to this. How amazing and liberating!
This seemingly small shift has been huge in my life and I’m so deeply grateful for it. Thank you so very much, Gulara.
To all who read this – Gulara has amazing skills as a facilitator and also a deep intuitive connection that she combines with a gentle, compassionate, and respectful approach. The result is powerful and profound healing.
—Anita L. in Canada ★★★★★

With all my love


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