What People Say About My Work and Why?
I recently ran a healing call for my teacher’s community. I had 204 people attending the call live; hundreds more people tuned in with a recording.
They were asked to provide feedback after the call. Reading through 12 pages of collated feedback fills me with deep gratitude.
Here’s a small sample of what they said:
Gulara always has an impressively grounded and safe presence. She's an amazing example of how to do this work.
Gulara always has a laser focus, no – nonsense approach, while radiating real kindness.
Her equanimity, compassion & wisdom are so grounding; you know you are in safe hands, you can relax and trust the process.
Gulara is so calm and confident, I really felt energetically held by her.
I loved the clear connection she had. Very professional and held a space of safety.
Gulara is very calm and compassionate, which brings me a lot of peace. Her work is very efficient and well-paced.
Gulara is so amazing. She is very kind, gentle and loving, highly intuitive and skilled.
Absolutely love her and her clearings and training!
How calm and present Gulara was.
What touches me in this feedback is that people can see, sense and feel my presence.
You can’t fake presence.
Two things that helped me to gain this level of confidence:
My absolute commitment and determination to heal my wounded parts. The more I heal them, the more my true self can shine through. Let me give you an example. In the past, some young parts of me that were criticised or judged as a child could get activated in a group context. Those parts could even attempt to please everyone, which is an impossible task. What happens today is that those parts are quiet. They don’t worry, they know I’m in charge. There’s no inner split, with parts pulling in opposite directions. People feel that integrity and it makes them feel safe; they are not interacting with well-meaning young parts of me; they are dealing with my adult present day self.
What enables me to do that is awakening and presence work that I’ve been practicing for the past 15 years. Presence is where the magic resides. That’s what makes people feel heard, seen and safe. It allows you to respond to whatever unfolds moment by moment.
This is what I’m offering in my 4-month immersion right now and it’s your last chance to book the whole package.
This package will give you an opportunity to heal your young wounded parts, so that they stop getting in your way, as well as engage in practices that can help you to cultivate your presence.
The net effect? Confidence, gravitas and better results in your healing practice.
I hope that you join us.
All the details are here:
And if the immersion feels like a big jump, you're welcome to join individual events as you go along:
1. The next masterclass is on Healing Your Conception Story and Early Attachment on 21 April 4:30-7:30pm UK time
Live 3-hour healing experience to help you heal the imprints from your conception onwards, to let go of any unconscious rejection and lack, so that you can feel welcome and worthy in your life. This is open to men and women – after all, we all have emerged from a woman’s body.
2. The Embodied Presence in Motion series start on 18 April at 1:30-3:00pm UK time. Join us live here to strengthen your ability to be present in any situation www.gularavincent.co.uk/embodied-presence
With all my love