Close All Exit Routes

Have you been in a relationship where things were OK, but you knew that this was not the right person for you. You were sort of in, but kept your options open.

As a result, you couldn’t fully open your heart to this person. Why would you, if you knew that it was just a matter of time before you leave. At some unconscious level, you kept them at arm’s length, and pushed them away, knowing that the relationship was bound to end. There’s a constant pull push in that relationship, where both partners can feel easily abandoned or overwhelmed.

Now, imagine a scenario where you know that this is your soulmate. This is *It* for the rest of your life. You’re all in, all 100% of you. You consciously close all doors and commit to making it work. When you show up fully like that, you call on the presence of the other person. You start acting as a team. It’s a completely different ballgame.

Let’s take another example. You want to quit your job, while having a side-hustle. You’re trying to build your own business in order to exit. Suddenly, your productivity at work plummets because your heart it not in it anymore and you feel too guilty and drained to make your new business work. You have one foot here and one foot there, which makes you feel wobbly and unstable. I’m not saying it’s not wise to bridge your exit and know where you might land, but this is the price I paid personally, while I teetered on the brink of quitting my academic job for 9 years.

Sometimes, keeping your options open can feel like a good idea, especially if you feel easily trapped in situations or relationships. However, it dilutes your experiences. It’s neither here, not there.

There’s often a good reason why you don’t fully commit though. Often times, there’s an unprocessed trauma from the past: abandonment, betrayal, disappointment and heartbreak. Without healing those underlying causes, it’s hard to give it your all (whether it’s at home or in your business).

P.S. Let's close some exit doors together, so that you can move forward with more ease and joy. Join my 3-hour healing experience ‘Principles of Pleasure’ on Friday 21 July at 6-9pm UK time/ 1-4pm EST.
With all my love


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