Holding on in life? Here’s why.

When you don’t feel held, you hold on.

Why? Because there’s no trust.

When you don’t trust yourself, other people and life itself, you tend to hold on, even to people and things you no longer want.

Holding on can have physical manifestation, for example, excess weight, constipation or tension in certain parts of your body. You might be holding your breath and biting your tongue to withhold your truth. There’s a lot of emotional suppression, especially anger and rage, because you don’t trust other people’s reactions. You might not be even aware of this suppression, but it’s likely to manifest in some physical form: headaches, shut down, clutter in your body and your physical space.

I’m sure you have tried to deal with the symptoms of this issue, such as decluttering, loosing weight, trying better nutrition to help your gut...

How about addressing what’s deeper than that and Tuning Into Trust with me on 8 September at 6:00-9:00pm UK time. Here's the link to join me live: www.gularavincent.co.uk/trust

P.S. There are still places on my 5-week online course ‘End Emotional Eating’, if you want to join us live: www.gularavincent.co.uk/end-emotional-eating

P.P.S. Want bigger faster results? Attending my next retreat can give you a deep sense of safety and trust. The work I do rewires your whole nervous system. The next retreat is on 14-17 September and there are only a few places left. www.gularavincent.co.uk/blog/retreats

With all my love


Closet Poem


This Is Where I Come From