It Really Is Not Personal

If you’ve ever had a session with me, you have probably heard me say ‘this energy is not personal’. This line is a part of the Non-personal awareness (NPA) sequence that I use all the time.

What this (deceptively) simple technique does is to move any stuck energy out of your body and out of your mind.

Let’s say you carry a lot of suppressed anger, because things were difficult when you were younger, but your environment was too volatile for you to feel this emotion. Instead of going to each individual event to address that old anger, NPA can release that stuck energy, bypassing all the stories that can be attached to it.

NPA helps you to let go of the charge and then you can decide what to do with the actual situation.

While NPA is one of my favourite tools, I blend and combine 5 more different techniques depending on what’s needed in the moment. Here are some of the tools I use:

  • Compassion Key - another deceptively simple technique that can help you let go of old hurts that’s been plaguing you all your life.

  • Reiki – it immediately calms down your nervous system and creates deep safety for you to release what’s not serving you anymore.

  • Constellations – this one works best in person (come to one of my retreats – you’ll be blown away by the power of this tool), but I found shortcuts to using it online too.

  • Spiritual Acceleration to undo any subconscious vows, curses or agreements you have made at a challenging time in your life. One of my clients describes it as a spiritual hoover that sucks out any energetic gunk you didn’t even know was clogging up your system.

  • Movement of being – this is awakening and presence work I’ve been doing since 2009 and I weave it seamlessly where appropriate.

The net result is sheer magic.

These tools create different doorways into your subconscious mind and release stuck energy from your body, mind and even soul.

I use them in my 1:1 work (details are here:

I’ve been effectively combining them in my 3-hour masterclasses (the next one is ‘Who Am I?’ on 26 May

And of course, they all feature in my online courses. The next course is ‘I Am Enough’ starting on 16 May. Join me live here:

With all my love


I’ll Never Be Like Them!


What’s On In May