My Super Powers: What I’m Really Good At
I’ve been offering sessions on my teacher’s platform in the past few months and I notice that the majority of testimonials have 3 things in common: people who work with me feel safe - seen - heard. As a result, they have amazing breakthroughs. But don’t take my word for it though – check out what people say about my sessions.
My second super-power is pattern recognition. You might think that you have five different problems – what I see is the core of the issue that plays out in five different ways. I’m brilliant at seeing the real issue beyond the symptoms.
I’m also good at synthesising information and bringing various threads together. In my sessions, I seamlessly blend together 5-6 different healing techniques and bring forward whatever is needed in the moment.
I’m great at entering your world and being present with whatever goes on for you. I bring such unconditional love to my sessions – in that space of pure presence anything is possible. I understand what it takes to go from stuck-ness to feeling happy and content. It’s been my own lived experience and something I help clients with every day.
To sum up, if you feel tied up in knots, I can help you to untangle the mess you might be facing. It can be such a confusing and lonely place to be. I’ll help you to give voice to the parts of you that are hurting, so that you can feel whole again.
When you invest your time with me, I promise you’ll feel different on the inside and your world will start changing on the outside. You’ll have more calmness, irrespective of what is happening in or around you. You’ll feel a sense of contentment, trust and clarity that you may have never felt before. You’ll feel lighter and more able to cope with your life, no matter what your circumstances are.
Here’re five opportunities to work with me in the coming weeks.
10 June 18:00-21:00 UK time - Principles of Pleasure: 3-hour masterclass to heal past hurts that caused you to shut down in life. By releasing that old pain, you'll be able to open to more joy in your life.
14 June 18:00-21:00 UK time - Resistance release: 3-hour masterclass to end self-sabotage and procrastination. There's a good reason why you hold yourself back in life. It's often related to some past hurt. By healing that old wound, you'll be able to move forward in life with more ease and joy.
1 July 18:00-21:00 UK time – Already Enough: 3-hour healing masterclass to help you heal parts of yourself which don't feel good enough.
19 July – 17 August – From Scarcity Mentality to Safety Mindset: 30 day live experience.
26 September-12 December 13:30-15:00 – Rapid Relationship Breakthrough: 12-week online programme which I designed to help you heal the underlying causes of your relationship challenges so that you can create and maintain more harmony and love in your life. This programme is ideal for you if you feel stuck and unhappy in your relationship.
Plus, I have a very special offer on my 12-week programme. If you join me by 29 May, you’ll receive a number of bonuses, which include a 1:1 breakthrough session with me + the majority of the above listed programmes.
Oh, and I’m running the FREE ‘Good Enough’ challenge on 9-13 June at 14:30-15:00 daily. Join this 5-day challenge to learn why and how you react when feeling not enough.
P.S. I'd love it if you could share these details with your friends.
With all my love