Unclench Your Jaw

Clench your jaw

Tight, tight, tight

Keep your words in

To be always right

Mistakes have a high price to pay

Not saying anything is a sure way

That no one will attack you

No one can get offended

But you

Swallowing your truth

Compromising your wants

You stay silent

Putting up with crap

By the time you may be brave enough

To show a middle finger to the world

It may be too late

Time is flying

Life is passing by

Unclench your jaw

And be who you are.

Another poem from back in 2017.

It’s amazing how much trauma you hold in your jaw. If you grind your teeth at nights, have persistent teeth problems or tension in your face, chances are there’s some locked trauma in your body. I can help you to release it, which is likely to have a massive impact on your life and relationships.


It starts early…


Body’s Way of Speaking Up