4 areas of not enough-ness that rule your life

When I speak to my clients, there’re four areas where people experience chronic lack:





No matter how hard they try to acquire enough money in order to feel safe and secure, make time for things that matter, give and receive enough love to fill them up, and preserve enough energy for all the above pursuits, they still find themselves in lack.

Does this resonate for you too?

The thing is unless you feel enough on the inside, you’ll keep projecting that ‘lack’ into your external reality.

When you’re stuck in the place of not enough, you interpret everything as a failure. It’s incredibly painful.

In contrast, when you’re in place of enough-ness, you’re closer to your true self. You’re innately enough – this is your nature.

P.S. If you’re tired of running this pattern, join my 3-hour masterclass on ‘Already Enough’, where you’ll have an opportunity to heal your relationship with the part of you that does not feel good enough. If you join today, I’ll also give you access to From Scarcity Mentality to Safety Mindset 30 day live experience, where I’ll help you to release limiting beliefs around money, time, love and energy.

P.P.S. I’m also running a FREE 5-day challenge on 9-13 June called ‘Good Enough’. Join me live to understand why you react in particular ways, when you’re in lack.


What happens when you don’t feel that you’re enough as you are?


How suppressed emotions lead to feeling not enough