Ready to Experience a Shift in Your Marketing?

You can’t succeed at marketing, if you block your financial flow.  

I remember launching a successful course several years ago, which had a VIP option. I was fine for people to sign up to the course (it was cheap) but as soon as clients started signing up to a more expensive version, my blocks kicked in and the platform I was using for the check-out decided that they didn’t trust my business and closed the shop mid-launch! I was utterly stunned at the time, but looking back on that experience now it makes perfect sense.  

Subconsciously I felt a lot more pressure with the VIP version and blocked the money flow. 

In my experience: 

-            If you have subconscious stories of not being worthy of other people’s attention, money and time, you’ll block the money flow.  

-            If you fear that taking money for service means that you’ll take on all of your clients’ burdens and become responsible for them and their results, you’ll block the money flow.  

-            If you fear getting in trouble with the authorities or think money only comes through hard hard work, you’ll block the money flow. 

Personally, I love helping people to heal their money blocks. Do you know why?  

Because it’s often, if not always, have nothing to do with money and everything to do with love. That’s why, healing blocks to love and money is an integral part of the curriculum of my practitioner training, because your capacity to receive money is directly proportional to your ability to receive love. 

What impacts your relationship with money is complex and multifaceted. It includes your upbringing, family situation, ancestral stories, fear of responsibility, religion, belief systems, such as, money comes only through hard work, and so much more.  

What’s satisfying about addressing money blocks is that you can feel the tangible effects of that healing: the more you release those old wounds, the more money can flow to you with ease and joy.  

Ready to experience a shift? 

Come, join me to explore Marketing from the Inside Out. Heal your money blocks so that you can help more people with your gifts. 

Here’s the link:  Join before 1st March to receive a bonus healing call on fear of technology. 

P.S. If you want to take your healing work to a completely new level, then join my practitioner training online.  

When you join my 3-month practitioner training between now and 1 March, you’ll receive Master Your Marketing From the Inside Out series (£333) and Good Enough live 5-week healing programme (£540) for free.  

Warmest wishes, 



The Key to Successful Marketing


Make it Consistent